My Graphic Design Portfolio

I worked as a Graphic Design Volunteer at a student-led non-profit volunteer organisation called TheGoodOrg.

TheGoodOrg Instagram TGO Official Website

People dealing with anxiety, sometimes, feel self-conscious about their condition. It could result in uncomfortable social situations or crushing personal challenges. Living with anxiety is often difficult, and social support is imperative. So let’s make ourselves aware of the presence and prevalence of such conditions.

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Fast fashion isn't free. Someone, somewhere is paying.

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Issues regarding women's clothing are still prevalent today and can be witnessed at a global level. Women being held accountable and objectified for dressing inappropriately, even in the 21st century, is astonishing. It is necessary to be open-minded and realize that a woman's worth is not defined by how she dresses herself up.

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Men need to be a part of conversations about mental health. Recognizing the signs of illness, keeping an open mind, and encouraging men to speak up can help lessen the stigma. One can also access help through websites like HeadsUpGuys. (link in bio) You can also contact the Govt. of India’s 24x7 mental health rehabilitation helpline at 1800-599-0019.

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With the record-breaking haul of 19 medals- 5 gold, 8 silver, and 6 bronze, Indian para-athletes have made us proud at the 2021 Tokyo Paralympics. We feel incredibly joyous mentioning the names of those who’ve brought glory to our nation. #Paralympics2020 #Olympics2020 #Paralympics #ParalympicsIndia

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Comparison is the thief of joy - Theodore Roosevelt The sexualization of children on social media exposes them to societal pressures and negatively impacts their physical and mental health. It is essential to challenge the stereotypes depicted in sitcoms. The more they get glorified through mass media, the longer they continue to be prevalent in our society.

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Body hair removal is often forced upon people when all they want is the freedom to do what they wish with THEIR bodies. Changing our mindsets to accept the very fact that we are all human and hairy shouldn’t be very difficult.

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Do you think it’s fair to charge different prices based on gender? It’s time we boycott discriminatory products and brands! This issue does not cause much outrage due to lack of awareness however, it does need to be discussed more. Let us know what you think about ‘Pink Tax’ in the comments!

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Instagram, with its partnership with Facebook, uses personal information to offer ads that it thinks one might be interested in. Instagram exploits one’s data and exposes them to privacy and security issues but, it doesn't have to be that way. It's simple to safeguard oneself while still getting the most out of Instagram.

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